Great article! It is amazing to me how quickly ideas like this have gone from totally niche to generally accepted among health tech people. I think a lot of it is the general community being a lot more optimistic now. A few years ago entrepreneurs/investors would look at many of the companies you mention and see fairly slow growth.

The idea of aggregators isn't novel, but the idea that there is a vibrant market for them is.

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Cogniss has already created this and is gaining serious traction in the UK and APAC. https://www.cogniss.com/

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Because affordability of health care, millions of American patients million a year risk International medical tourism. A American health company (https://www.sameskyhealth.com/ ) introducing Mexican online doctors (https://medicallhome.mx) to American.

I want to do the same thing, send more international doctors to American, such as India/ South Africa/ China . I will use SAAS Ecommerce, Shopify to build website/ APP. How can I connect Shopify with www.doconline.com or https://cloudphysician.net , India telehealth company? Whether or not Shopify support video call? The Shopify APP Store have a telehealth ? Thanks!

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I think @notablehealth may be edging into the center of your Venn. #RPA is key and their platform is scalable/extensible rather than bespoke consulting.

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We're building this for LATAM (currently in our 1st phase, future phases aim to connect provider's data)


We currently have around 80 providers and are receiving around 50,000 new visitors from 20 countries since launch.

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Great article! However, don't you think that the digitization of practices might help practices address their supply and burn-out issues? Visits will be more efficient, intakes can take place online e.t.c. As a result, I think there might be demand for a "Shopify for digital healthcare" from traditional, healthcare SMBs as well as the new digital tribe.

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